20 March 2024


I met a very kind and welcoming person in the U.S. Navy base in Bahrain.  Before one of my assessments of the base she struck up a conversation about the tie I was wearing and how she recognized me from last year because of how beautiful they are--many thanks to my father in-law for giving me so many to choose from.  The essence of this person is so pure and kind, she is one of the people you long to meet while on the sunny side of the planet.


She and I began to discuss Saudi Arabia and how it is now working toward being a tourist destination and how things have changed in the past several years.  I have very fond memories from the six months I spent in there in 1995 and I told her about my visit to the ARAMCO complex, how a family had adopted my USAF weather flight, how that family would provide a homemade meal, and how I would bring bacon and real vanilla to them as they couldn’t get it on the SA economy.  She didn’t wince.


I then went on to talk about how I lived and worked in SA and that I left six months before “they” blew up the place where I slept—about 300 feet away.  As soon as those words left my mouth I wish I could have taken them back.  Her expression was one of such genuine pain.  My words hurt this innocent person who calls Bahrain home.  This is someone who constantly helps the U.S. Navy and my words hurt her even though she was not even born at that time. 

We talked later and she was very magnanimous and gave me her card.  I look forward to meeting her again and look forward to her insights.  What a great human!




15 Seconds